How to Color Your Hair with Henna

Materials: Henna - I used Light Mountain Natural Henna in Red 12-16 oz. distilled water  for fewer chemical interactions newspaper old towel old clothes

Materials: safety pin clothespin ceramic or glass bowl wooden or plastic spoon plastic bag for trash mirror if doing by yourself

Get all of the above ingredients ready. You will need to do a strand test first with some hair from a brush. Boil 12-16 oz. distilled water.

Add the hot water to the henna slowly, stirring with a non-metal spoon. Do not add all the water at once. Check the consistency as you stir. It should be fairly thick and creamy.

When you lift the spoon out of the mix, it should cling to the spoon. I usually only use about 12 oz. of the water.

Depending upon the color you choose, it will need to cure anywhere from 10 minutes to 3 hours.

Light Mountain suggests you cure the red henna for 1-3 hours, but I have applied it after 20 minutes and it has turned out fine. If you use the neutral, you can use it right away.

Remove all jewelry. Metal and henna are not good together. Cover your floor, counter, etc. with newspaper.

Wrap your old towel around your shoulders, and pin with a safety pin. Divide your hair into sections with barrettes or hair clips. I use metal barrettes for this even though you aren't supposed to.

I just make sure to not have any henna touch the barrettes. I remove each one as I go. Put on the plastic gloves, and start applying the henna from the bottom and work your way up the scalp.

After covering all your hair, put the included plastic bag on your head and cinch with a clothespin. Leave the henna on for 45 minutes up to 4 hours.

I usually leave it on for 45 minutes to 1 hour. Use intermittent heat for 5-10 minutes to help set the hair if desired. Rinse with warm water.

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