Spicy Veggie Wrap

Ingredients:   ¼ cup brown rice vinegar or apple cider vinegar  2 tablespoons sugar  1 carrot, julienned Sriracha Mayo:  2 teaspoons sriracha sauce  2 teaspoons lime juice  ¼ cup vegan mayo

Ingredients continued:    2 brown rice tortillas  ½ cup chopped lettuce  ¼ cup julienned English cucumber  ½ avocado, chopped  Handful cilantro

Pickled Carrots: Mix brown rice vinegar and sugar. If it takes a long time to dissolve, you can warm the brown rice vinegar to make it dissolve faster. Add carrots and let sit overnight.

Sriracha Mayo: Mix sriracha sauce, lime juice, and vegan mayo. Wraps: Warm tortillas on stovetop or in microwave.

Spread sriracha mayo on tortilla. Layer lettuce, cucumber, avocado, pickled carrots, and cilantro on top.

Fold the left and right sides inward. Then fold over the bottom, tucking the ingredients in as you roll tightly.

Click to get  the recipe @ createmindfully.com