Homemade Cherry Shrub Syrup Recipe

Ingredients: – ½ cup cherries fresh or frozen – ½ cup sugar – ½ cup apple cider vinegar

 In a bowl combine cherries and sugar. Mash with a fork. Let sit 24 hours in the fridge. You can let it sit up to 3 days.

 In a bowl combine cherries and sugar. Mash with a fork. Let sit 24 hours in the fridge. You can let it sit up to 3 days.

Strain the cherry mixture with a fine mesh strainer. Add apple cider vinegar. Whisk to combine until sugar is dissolved. Pour into a jar and store in the fridge.

Strain the cherry mixture with a fine mesh strainer. Add apple cider vinegar. Whisk to combine until sugar is dissolved. Pour into a jar and store in the fridge.

Click to get  the recipe @ createmindfully.com