Red Lentil Pasta Salad with Chickpeas

Ingredients: 8 oz. red lentil rotini pasta  15 oz. garbanzo beans ½ cup chopped red pepper ½ cup marinated artichokes  chopped

Ingredients: 8 oz. red lentil rotini pasta  15 oz. garbanzo beans ½ cup chopped red pepper ½ cup marinated artichokes  chopped

Ingredients: ¼ cup black and green olives chopped 3 tablespoons capers ½ cup Roasted Red Pepper Tahini Dressing 2 teaspoons red pepper flakes Salt and pepper

Ingredients: ¼ cup black and green olives chopped 3 tablespoons capers ½ cup Roasted Red Pepper Tahini Dressing 2 teaspoons red pepper flakes Salt and pepper

Cook pasta according to direction. Drain and let cool.

Cook pasta according to direction. Drain and let cool.

Combine garbanzo beans, red pepper, artichokes, olives, capers, red pepper flakes, salt, and pepper in a bowl.

Combine garbanzo beans, red pepper, artichokes, olives, capers, red pepper flakes, salt, and pepper in a bowl.

Add pasta and red pepper tahini dressing. Stir to combine.

Add pasta and red pepper tahini dressing. Stir to combine.

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